Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Rapture Day!

Hey, guess what? Harold Camping says the world is supposed to end! ...again!
Yup, so today was supposed to be the Rapture, just like May 21 and that date in the 1990's. Funnily, I haven't yet witnessed any true believers being lifted up to heaven sans their clothes (thank goodness. That would be traumatizing), nor has brimstone been rained upon me. And again, I've been denied the chance to have a several month long party with all of the rational people before the End of Days. *sigh* You think Mr. Camping would get the hint after the first time he cried wolf, but those fundamentalist types, well, they really like believing in things. Generally to the point of complete denial of reality.
Oh, well, maybe we can have an Apocalypse in 2012.
Then and again, as Lauren pointed out in AP Biology, maybe the Rapture has already happened, and we're in Hell and just didn't notice. It seemed awfully plausible at the time, as our singularly incompetent teacher decided to spend the whole hour and a half going over a fairly straightforward lab, which was probably as bad as being boiled in brimstone for eternity. ...It certainly felt like eternity.
Well, hey, there's still three hours left in the day. You know, I'm sure that's plenty of time for the Rapture to still happen. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, Harold. Why don't you talk to God some more and see if you can get a better time estimate. I'll just wait right here and continue making my tailcoat. Tell me how that goes.

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