It is the last day of school, finally and at long last! Of course, I still have Regents, which I will have to study for, slightly marring this joyous occasion, butI'm just going to pretend they don't exist until about, oh, five o'clock ish, so I can blog and screw around on Facebook in peace.
Today was extremely bizarre. It started in French class, when our teacher showed us this psychedelic animation. It was made in France, but there was no speaking, and all of the characters were extremely distorted and weird. I had a really hard time deciphering the plot, but I think it was about this guy who grew up to be a professional biker. He was like super tall and super skinny, and had a huge nose, and weird, boxy leg muscles. It was extremely creepy. There was also an obese dog with stick legs, and a short grandma who abused the dog by apparently making him power a boat across the Atlantic to rescue the biker (her grandson) who had been kidnapped by these men whose faces were in the center of their bodies and were the size of refrigerators. It really seemed drug induced.
The seniors had fun with pranks this year. They threw thousands of bouncy balls into the hall, which was pretty awesome. Everyone had them today and was screwing around with them (except for me sadly, because I didn't have any).
And then there was sixth period lunch. A guy senior, wearing a cowboy hat, a George Bush mask, and a black Speedo ran through the cafeteria waving an American flag. I sat there blinking for a few minutes, trying to remove the image from my mind.
We got free ice cream, left over from the JH kids. Cake batter ice cream is really weird. Pretty good, though.
There was a water balloon fight after school. I did not get hit, which was nice. It was mostly in the parking lot, which was disappointing. Not that I wanted to get hit, since some people put gross stuff like milk in the balloon, but because I really wanted to watch it.
Grrr!!! I hate the little kids on our bus! They are incredibly annoying and bratty. It's extremely depressing to think that a lot of them are going into 7th grade next year. I really don't want them in the high school. With any luck, I won't see them at all and be tempted to (try to) shove one of them into a locker.
Just kidding. I can't be that mean.
I have my Geometry regents tomorrow. I am quite apprehensive, but I'm glad to be getting them over with. I will study as soon as I finish this entry. Sigh...the euphoria of the last day of school is so short lived.
Actually, I was just bored most of the day, but I'm just pretending I was euphoric. It's more fun.