Sunday, March 11, 2012

Remember Crazy Rapture Guy?

Does anyone remember Harold Camping, the crazy cracker radio host who was broadcasting that the world was going to end last May 21st? And who, when the world spectacularly did not end, moved his prediction to October 21st?
With less flash and bang, the world also failed to end in October as well. I guess Harold has been holding out hope for a glorious apocalypse, because only now has he issued an apology. A kind of weak and feeble one at that, really, for a guy who exploited a bunch of gullible people, and took their donations and life savings for whatever use of his own.

I find it interesting that he only now noticed the Bible verse where it says "No man will know the day of His coming", when surely he had piles of Christians firing it at him for the entire time he was proclaiming his bull feces.
I also find it interesting that he's happy that people are out "appreciating the Bible" or what not because of him, as a significant portion of atheists cite "reading the Bible" as their reason for apostasy. (The runner up was "thinking about it.") Ever read the Old Testament? Sordid stuff. Even the New Testament isn't all daisies and sunshine - there is quite a bit of hell fire, damnation, and Orwellian-style brainwashing. Really, the last thing Mr. Camping should be hoping for is more people reading the Bible. Chances are, some of them will be intellectually honest and reach a logical conclusion about the universe and probably about Mr. Camping himself.

Then and again, apocalypse pronouncers have never been known to be the brightest daisy in the compost heap. You know, considering how they have all been wrong.

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