This is the song "I Feel Fantastic". Be forewarned, it is very, very weird. And funny. But weird. Link
I've been thinking. I think that I'm going to choose St. Sithney as my saint for confirmation this year. I know he's male, but, how can I resist? He's the patron saint of mad or rabid dogs. He's a lot more interesting than all of the humble, altruistic saints who live lives of poverty and then are stabbed by pagans.
Yes, I know, a little sacrilegious. But think, he still has a much more interesting story than, say, Saint Alice. Oh, wait, Saint Alice has a good story, too. She went to a convent at seven, and was humble and kind, and then got leprosy, had visions, and then, presumably, died. Though they left that bit out of the saint listing.
Hey, I learned a new bit of texting jargon ... ***headdesk***. Now how to apply it to real life ... hmmm. whacking your head on the desk? You can do that with any action, if you want. *sigh*, *gasp!*, *screams loudly and runs away*, *bounces up and down excitedly* ... you get the point.