(I mean, sure, it all comes with the price of being stuck in a cramped white building for an hour, listening to mediocre songs and delusional babblings, but, hey! Brunch! Looking on the bright side, right?)
This year, instead of traditional hot cross buns, we had Easter breakfast pizza and fruit salad, which really was a fine trade off, in my opinion. Also, oodles of chocolate poured into our house over night, so I should be contentedly munching on goodies for weeks to come. All in all, Easter is superb.
I must admit - something interesting. During the sermon today, the pastor was discussing Mary Magdalene and stated that she and the Mary from the Mary and Martha story were the same person. My biblical studies had suggested that they were disparate people. I suppose it could be different in the Gnostic bible, and I am well aware that the Bible is hardly the most authoritative historical source, but I must admit - I'm always a bit thrown when I am better versed in the Bible than a Christian. It's like, whoa. Isn't this your book? It's not my book - I'm a heretic, for hell's sake. Shouldn't you know this thing better than I do?
(Then and again... Reading the Bible... Rarely a good option for anyone wanting to stay faithful. There's some pretty crazy stuff in there.)
Anyway, enough talking. I hope you're all having a fabulous Easter. If you don't celebrate Easter, then have a happy Sunday and get out and enjoy the springtime. Go for a walk. Eat chocolate. Frolic through the sparse and slightly browned flowers. Enjoy yourself!
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