I have a pair of combat boots I acquired a year ago for far more than they were worth. They were gorgeous, very punk rock-looking pieces of complete crap. Though initially they looked really nice, it didn't take more than a few months of wear for the fake leather to peel, the soles to fall off, the treads to wear down by 0.25 centimeters, and the black shoelaces to mysteriously fade to red. Let's just say, these boots weren't made for walking.
I can't help it, though. I love them. I love them to pieces. They've still managed to look boot-iful and be relatively functional, even in their advanced stage of disrepair. I love them enough to invest an inordinate amount of time trying to save them from their inevitable destruction. I've re-glued the soles five times (in both the front and back) and colored in the peeled leather with sharpie. I've continued to wear them even after the glue from fixing the sole squirted up into the shoe and hardened into an uncomfortable lump directly under my heel. I love these boots.
I get that the feeling isn't mutual.
Recently, my boots have decided to play a new game with me. The zipper on the side of my left boot broke. This left a whole side of the boot flapping around, and my foot practically falling out of the side. I'm trying so hard to fix it, but it's a real pain in the boot-y. I've tied the laces about it, even wrapped a belt around it just to keep it together.
It didn't work. There was still an entire section on the side where the boot bulged out, exposing my socks. Not effective.
So instead of that, I sewed up the side, right where the zipper was.
This seems to be working for the moment, though I don't know how long it'll hold up. It's just normal thin thread, and one snapped thread could ruin it all. Furthermore, without a zipper, I have to lace it up the front, which is a pain in the boot.
Though it pains me deeply, I think it may be time to give these boots the boot. I guess I'm going to have to lace up my big-girl boots and put the body in the boot.
Oh, god! The jokes, they burn! Someone save me from myself before it's too late! Ahhhhhhh! Oh god! They're too much! It's too much!
Before you criticize someone, try walking a mile in their boots. That way, you'll be a mile away and you'll have their boots!