Saturday, April 7, 2012

Status Bashing!

It's time for a super special new installment of ... Stupid Status Snarking! Basically, this is a game where I pretend to be a total jerk for my your amusement!

"4 year old - I love you mommy!! 10 year old - OK mom!! 16 year old - My mom is so annoying!! 18 year old - I'm leaving this house...... 25 year old - Mom you were right! ...... 30 year old - I wanna go to my mom's house! 50 years old - I don't wanna lose my mom.... :'( 70 years old - I would give up anything in this world to have my mom with me right now!! <3 <3 xoxo Put this as your status if you appreciate your mom.....A girl ignored it and 365 days later her mom passed away!"

Oh, my granny goodness! A girl ignored it and exactly one year later her mother died?! What a terrible girl, not demonstrating her appreciation for her maternal figure through the passing on of saccharine tripe! It must be the curse of the poorly written, sickeningly trite chain status! If you don't pass on this over-punctuated message, YOUR MOTHER WILL DIE. Better pass it along then! Better to annoy the crap out of all your friends than to risk vague, anecdotal threats from bored Facebook denizens. Thanks.

I also appreciate how it goes from silly stereotypes of pre-adults to fairly dark stuff about not wanting their mom to die and leave them all alone in this dark, cruel world. Someone's having existential pangs...

Let's see, what's next on the list of stupid things people put on Facebook?

"There is no proof that God exists, but there's no proof that he doesn't either."

Sometimes I get fed up with people on my news feed and delete them, but I always feel bad about deleting people for ideological reasons. I mean, I find this silly probability-ignoring agnosticism to be irritating, but I hate to be that jerk that deletes people just because they don't agree with them. 
So, instead, I just lambaste them on my blog, which they'll probably never look at anyway. Win-win!

*rubs hands together* So, do you think that just because you can't prove that something doesn't exist, you should pretend it does? It's one of the flaws of logic that you cannot disprove anything intangible objectively. Anything is technically possible. But just because it's possible, does that mean that we should pretend it is real? You can't prove that unicorns, fairies, or mermaids don't exist. Do you believe in unicorns just because you can't say definitively that they don't exist? Are you agnostic about unicorns
If so, that's silly. Unicorns don't exist. There is no reason to assume that unicorns exist, because there is no credible evidence for unicorns. Even though there is a teensy tiny little infinitesimal chance that unicorns exist, the probability of such an event is so small that it is useless to regard it as anything significant. Otherwise, you would have to regard all other events as equally possible, and that would be wildly inhibiting. What if two possibilities are contradictory? What then? Which is right? The way to determine that, would be, of course, by looking for evidence supporting one possibility over another, which is what rational people do anyway.

Oh, and comment of the day: "Faith is believing in something common sense says not to."

You'd think that statement would be a wake-up call. "Hm, faith is contrary to common sense. MAYBE I SHOULD RETHINK THIS." 
You know how they say that common sense isn't actually that common? 

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