My not particularly bright [class] teacher decided to make us all (all of the agriculture classes, actually) go on a field trip to Cornell. It was mandatory, and part of our grade. My one friend managed to weasel her way out of it, but then she had to write a research paper.
As you know, I've already missed two days of school this week, and was not that happy at missing another. But what can you do? I asked Ashley to get my homework for me, and after homeroom went down to the cafeteria.
It was 30 degrees out this morning and raining, which was not particularly promising for a great day.
I fell asleep on the way there.
The first place we went to was to the (dormant) apple orchard, while a guy called Dr. What'shisface Justincasesoasnottooffendanyone Pseudonym rambled on about root structures and grafting and pesticides while we stood in the rain-sodden grass and caught pnemonia.
A NOTE: Some of these topics might be kind of interesting if they were standing alone, but the rain ruined any fun, and I'm not allowed to enjoy it, anyway, as that would make me an agriculture freak. Again, not that there's anything wrong with agriculture, that's just not my interest and also not the image I want to present to the world.
Then, after an hour or so of torture disguised as academics, we got back on the bus and rove to the Cornell "plantation". The name plantation is misleading. It's actually a garden.
Admittedly, I liked this place the most, though it was kind of hard to fully appreciate it with the dull lectures, cold rain, and idiotic boys. My favorite gardens were the herb garden, which had an English/Oxfordian feel, the summer garden, with its yellow dogwood and giant magnolia, and the rhododendron and azalea garden, because of the beautiful lenten roses.
Afterwards, we went to the lab of Ornithology. I love watching the birds and playing with the telescopes, but at the time I rathered to be with my friends...not that I could find them, as they all mysteriously disappeared.
For lunch we went to the Ithaca mall. The table was full so I sadly ate my bag lunch alone at another table because I'm too mild mannered to tell them to budge over and let me sit down. I'll have to work on being ruder.
But then Tirzah, Julia, and I all went to Borders for about ten minutes, which really lifted my mood.
But then we toured a sheep farm and a beef cow farm, and listening to dull lectures in the cold amidst noisy animals and the smell of livestock quickly served to make me miserable again.
I fell asleep on the bus ride back again.
It's "bolder: ... not "ruder". Your friends NEED you to budge in; they may just not realize it at the time. It just makes it more fun, so do it! Sure "two's company and three's a crowd", but after that it's just fun, so budge away!
ReplyDeleteAnd I like how you changed whatshisface's name.
ReplyDeleteUm...thanks. Again.